Monday, May 17, 2010

Lap Band Surgery...

As I mentioned, the doctor wanted me to lose 10 lbs before the surgery by having protein drinks and between 1000 to 1200 calories.

The first two days on the protein drinks and reduced calories were HELL. I felt like I was going through withdrawls. But after already paying for the lap band system I was dedicated to sticking with it. (It's a heck of a lot of money to go to waste!) After the first two days I had no problems with the reduced calories and protein drinks.

I went in for my surgery on Thursday, May 13th, 2009, and when they weighed me I had lost 17 lbs in just one week -- even before getting the lap band surgery.

They prepped me for surgery at 6am and Dr. Michaelson performed the surgery. I awoke about 9:30am and felt very unsteady and shaky from the anesthesia. I kept telling the nurses, "I don't feel right. I don't feel right." I've had several surgeries in the past and have never woke up feeling like this. I imagine the anesthesia used didn't agree with me as well as what was used for my gallbladder or hernia repair surgeries. The doctor told me that the surgery went just fine with no complications but I felt extremely anxious and unstable and for ME who's very mellow and low key that is an extreme. I kept trying to calm myself down saying outloud, "Just relax John. Just relax." The nurses told me it was the anesthesia and suggested that as soon as I could walk I should try. I decided to try right away and found that I was extremely unsteady as I fell back to the bed. I tried again and managed to walk around the nurse's desk twice. I didn't feel any pain, but did notice that my calves burned like I had done extreme exercises and overused the muscles. (The burning calves has continued to stay with me for several days.) I had no pain my shoulder like they suggested I might have after surgery.

After about an hour they let me go home with my wife. Driving home I felt very motion sick and kept trying to stay calm to avoid getting sick. Once we got home I took a nap for a couple hours.

After I awoke I felt perfectly fine and decided to go out and mow the front lawn. My wife was very concerned I might over do it but I continued anyway. Once I finished I felt tired but still ok.

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