Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Are you choking?

Yesterday, I got home from work and was in a hurry to leave to take my daughter to an appointment. Since I was hungry I grabbed a piece of smoked salmon (about 3 oz) I had been given on my birthday on Sunday. I ate that piece of salmon in about 2 minutes. The next thing I knew I was choking and couldn't get the food down. The salmon seemed very moist (oily), but I guess that is a different kind of moist. Eating it very quickly and not chewing it up properly didn't help I'm sure.

I stood by the kitchen sink trying to throw up and dislodge it from my throat. I sipped a few handfuls of water and finally was able to get it down.

That is definitely NOT a good feeling.

I highly recommend chewing your food thoroughly and not rushing. I don't know if smoked salmon is out or not but maybe a little piece would work. Frankly, as oily as it is, that is probably all one could tolerate at a time.

As an update, my incision sites are healing nicely and I am putting vitamin E oil on them twice a day. The scabs are coming off on a few of the sites. I'm careful not to pull them off because it heals better if you leave it alone. The biggest site, the port site, is still tender and it's hard to sleep on my stomach still. That site is healing slowly. I don't have any discomfort in my shoulder or my stomach area anymore. I also feel pretty energetic. So far I've lost a total of 28 lbs.

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