Monday, June 21, 2010

Checkup After First Fill

Today I had a checkup after my first fill a week ago. I weighed in and lost another 2.4 lbs which puts my total weight loss at 39 lbs (current weight 322 lbs).

I had a fluoroscopy to check on the constriction of the band. There was good flow and the nurse said I didn't need another adjustment right now.

Since my fill I have been having problems eating my meals. The first couple bites of food seem to get stuck and are very uncomfortable. I have to wait a minute or two until the feeling goes away before I can eat. The nurse said the food is sitting on top of the band so my body may just need to get used to the band being there. I have been trying to make sure I eat small bites and chew my food really well, but that really hasn't helped.

I know I'll need another fill in the future because I think I am physically able to eat more than the small plate of food I should be eating -- but so far my self control has been good.

I am still using the silicon patches, although they are starting to get pretty nasty. I wash them daily and have tried to peal off the lint stuff that seems to get stuck to them. The patches seem to be doing a good job and the scars are fading slowly. I think it will take a while though before they are completely gone (if ever).

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